Beginner Music Lessons – Located in Coventry, RI
If you are just starting out in music, this class is for you! Here, you will master the basics of your instrument.

- The parts of the guitar
- Know the 6 strings
- Hold the guitar and pick correctly
- Tune the guitar with a tuner
- Know the chromatic scale (musical alphabet)
- Open chords (major and minor)
- Play Finger exercises up and down
- Bar chords (major and minor)
- Play a melody
- Play in time
- Basic strumming patterns
- Play along with one song

- The parts of the ukulele
- Know all 4 strings
- Hold the ukulele and strum correctly
- Tune the ukulele with a tuner
- Play Finger exercises up and down
- Open chords (major and minor)
- Play a melody
- Play in time
- Basic strumming patterns
- The chromatic scale (musical alphabet) up and down
- Play along with one song

- How to properly sit at the piano with hands on the keys
- Know the notes on the keyboard
- Know basic fingering fundamentals
- Understand the differences and usages of the black notes
- Play major and minor chords and understand the theory behind it
- Play major and minor scales, up and down the keyboard
- Learn basic/classic three to five note chord progressions
- Right hand plays chords or melody while the left hand plays the bass
- Play in time
- Play along with one song

- Identifying and exercising your vocal range – soprano, alto, tenor and bass
- Posture
- Exploring different genres of singing
- Breathing techniques
- Introduction to/exercises with pitch
- Singing in time
- Introduction to dynamics
- Introduction to vibrato
- Introduction to harmony
- Sing a song with guitar/piano/track
Bass guitar

- Parts of the bass guitar
- Know all 4 strings
- Hold the bass and pick correctly
- Learn the root, 5th and octave
- Tune the bass to a tuner
- Play finger exercises up and down
- Play in time
- The chromatic scale (musical alphabet)
- Play a melody on more than 1 string
- Play along with one song

- Name the parts of the drum
- Play in time
- How to hold the drumsticks correctly
- Good posture
- Play different grooves
- Subdivisions – quarter notes – 8th notes – 16th notes
- Rudiments
- Play a beat and be able to add a fill
- Play along with one song
Let’s Rock School of Music located in Coventry, RI welcomes students from all over Rhode Island. We are conveniently located near the surrounding towns of West Warwick, East Greenwich, West Greenwich, Scituate and Exeter.